2 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Purchasing A New Hay Feeder For Your Horses

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2 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Purchasing A New Hay Feeder For Your Horses

2 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Purchasing A New Hay Feeder For Your Horses

12 January 2023
, Blog

If you have horses on your property, you may be looking for a better system to use when it comes time to feed them their hay. Right now, you may be using an old, steel-beamed feeder or are allowing them to eat straight from the bale.

If these methods are causing issues, you may have decided it is time to purchase a new hay feeder but are having trouble choosing a system. Before making your selection, ask yourself some questions about your horses' needs, starting with the ones discussed below.

1. How Many Horses Will Be Eating from the Hay Feeder at One Time?

One question to ask yourself before buying a hay feeding system for your horses has to do with the number of horses that will be using it at one time. When coming up with this number, think about the sizes and personalities of your animals.

If you have a couple that are aggressive and do not get along with the other horses, you will have to have them feed at separate times. Also, if you have some horses that are larger than others, you may need to find a feeder that you can adjust the height on so that you can feed them at a different time than the smaller horses. 

2. What Is the Typical Size and Shape of the Hay Bale You Use to Feed Your Horses?

Another question you can ask yourself has to do with the bales of hay you typically use to feed your horses. Think about not only the sizes but also the shape of the bales when answering this question.

If you use large, round bales of hay, you want a feeder that will accommodate them. However, if you use smaller, square hay bales, you can use them in a large or small system but will need to choose a feeder that allows for processing their rectangular shape.

When it comes time to purchase a new hay feeder for your horses, you should think about the personalities and sizes of the horses to determine how many will be eating from the feeder at one time. You should also consider the size and shape of the bales you typically buy for your horses. Once you have the answers to these questions, speak with a representative with an agricultural supply business that offers hay feeding systems for assistance with making your selection. 

For more information about large hay feeders, contact a local company. 

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Learning About Agricultural Equipment

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